Monday, April 03, 2006

Oh What A Night!

Another record breaking Rattlesnake Rodeo! I've never seen so many people in this little small town. There were people here from as far away as Colorado and Montana. You have no idea how much those westerners love rattlesnakes. Is it just me or do the men from out west just age better and slower?
Now let me tell you about Joe. I'm just guessing here, but I'd bet he won't be forgetting good ole Podunt, or me for that matter, any time soon. It's not often a crazy woman in an SUV almost runs you over.
Yep, that was me. I have the autograph to prove it. You see, I was there, and I had to leave to go pick up a friend. When we got back we saw Joe's bus. It's big and purty, and RED. I was so excited I decided to drive around by the bus just for a 'looksee'. I convinced the policeman (friend of son) to let me past the barrier, and zip, zip in I went. Of course I had no idea that at that exact moment Joe and the guys would emerge from the bus. Do I even need to tell you that I just about peed my pants? I was wayyy excited and he wasn't expecting any cars/trucks to be on that side of the bus and we came face to face (well more like jeep to face) with each other. I don't know who was more shocked. The look on his face was priceless. I jumped out of that jeep and ran over to him to see if he was okay. He looked down at me (he is one TALL fella) and said, "Darlin you damn near ran over me!" I must have looked like I was about to cry, cause he started laughing and said, "Hey, it's okay, no damage done." Then, then, he HUGGED ME. He HUGGED ME! That long tall gorgeous hunk of man HUGGED, ME! ME!!! Not one to let an opportunity pass, I did a full body pat down just to be sure there was no damage done (there wasn't). We chatted for a few minutes, then I started to get back in the jeep, when he says "Well gee, don't you even want an autograph?" Then, wait, wait for it, he says, "Why don't you just park right here and you can walk in with us." And it only got better from there on in. Let it suffice to say it was a long, long night, and there was dancing and partying until the wee hours of the morning. Then there was breakfast at the only place in town that's open at 3 A.M.. As they boarded their bus to leave, I got a hug and a KISS! Now tell me I'm not one damned lucky woman.


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