Monday, August 29, 2005


giving a new meaning to the word 'terrorist'

It's 2:30 AM on Monday morning. Being awake as this time of morning is nothing new for me. In fact it's pretty much par for the course. The only difference is that on this Monday morning I'm dividing my time between the computer and the television. Katrina has plowed her way across the Gulf and is making a dead aim for the city of New Orleans. All predictions say this is going to be 'the big one'. The one that people in Nawlins have been talking about for years. Talking about and fearing. I'm sure everyone's heard the story. New Orleans is a city that sits in a bowl. A bowl surrounded by a lake (which is really a bay), a river, and the sea. Something in my bones tells me that bowl is going to be filled with a whole lot of water today. Having witnessed, Betsy, Camille, Andrew, Opal, Ivan, and Dennis, I know all too well the damage hurricans can deliver. It's not a pretty sight.

It's not just the people of New Orleans that will be impacted by this lady monster.

"This storm is going to pass through the meat of the oil and gas fields. The whole country will feel it, because it's going to cripple us and the country's whole economy," said Capt. Buddy Cantrelle with Kevin Gros Offshore, which supplies rigs via a fleet of large crew vessels."[ source]

It was already getting to the point where I could hardly afford to put gas in our Jeep. Remember back when I said if the price of gas kept rising I was going to be looking into those little scooters? Well it looks like I better get started looking. Either that or put a paypal link on my page and start taking donations for buying gas.

I suggest we all put our heads together and pray. I always knew 'terrorist' came in all shapes and sizes. I just didn't know there would be one named Katrina and she'd be called the Perfect Storm.


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