Sunday, July 10, 2005

The (Un)Perfect Storm

Just a short update for this rainy Sunday morning. Dennis is a few hours away from making his arrival. Despite my cavalier attitude I have a healthy respect for this storm. Overnight he's been upgraded from a category 3 to a 4. That's a very dangerous storm. Especially for those along coast. Many who still haven't recovered from Ivan. Even we folks in Podunt will be feeling some tropical force winds and rain. Odds are we will loose power, if not for days at least for hours. So just in case you don't hear from me for a day or two, don't worry. Our house is a sturdy little brick one that has withstood Carla, Opal, and Ivan. With a couple of tornadoes thrown in for good measure. I suspect it will be fine this time too. But, without power there is no cable or internet.
Anyway (ooo Piggy's fav word) we're batten down the hatches and getting ready to ride out the storm. This one should be interesting. Ya'll keep the homefires burning and I'll see on the flip side.


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