Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Three Amigos

Benson, Billy & Josh
They were three beautiful, bright, gregarious young men. Filled with all the pomp and circumstance that comes with the recklessness of youth. Invincible in their minds. So much to give, so much promise.
Young girls followed after them with the fawning most often reserved for movie stars and rock idols. Envied by those who didn't understand their allure.
Impatient to grow up, living every minute as if it would be their last. Always teetering on the edge. Staying just within the bounds of the law. High school boys with dreams but no real plans for their future.
Today, two are gone. Both brought down by their addiction to drugs and alcohol.
Billy, and Benson, you will be so deeply missed.
Especially by the third amigo. Even though they had parted paths years ago, I know his heart must be breaking as he remembers the days of the 'the three amigo's.

What made the difference in these young men's lives? Was it their parents? Their families? I'd like to believe in some small way it was, because that third young man is my son Joshua. But in my heart I know the piviotol moment, the person who made the biggest difference is a young woman named Amie. She saw something in my son and she believed in him, when no one else did. She changed the direction of his life. Her faith in him gave him faith in his self. Her willingness to stand beside him through the ups and downs gave him the strength and courage to change the direction of his life. Together they created a life that neither Benson or Billy would ever know. They have two beautiful children, a lovely home, and love. As well the love and respect of both their families and their friends.
Do I believe Amie may well have saved my son's life? I do. When they met back in 1998 Josh was a ship without an anchor. He had no idea what he wanted from life or where he was headed. He had dreams but no plans. Hopes but little motivation.
Am I eternally greatful? Absolutely.
Goodbye Billy (1977-2005), and Benson ( 1977-200).
Thank you Amie. Thank you so very very much!


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