Saturday, February 19, 2005

Your Invited

Coffee anyone?
It's Saturday morning. A good day for sleeping in, if you can. Then there's yard sales. I think I'll check out a few tomorrow. I need a crockpot. I had one years ago, but somewhere along the way I misplaced it. I remember cooking some delicious stews and roasts in it.
It's also time for a trip to the library. I have a book that I found under my bed. Way overdue. So overdue I may end up buying the book for what I'll pay in late fees. That would be okay. It's a good book. I could read it again.
It's beginning to look a lot like spring is here. It's still a bit chilly at night but the days are quite nice. We're expecting rain over the weekend. Maybe even a thunderstorm or two. I love thunderstorms. Of course if it rains there will be no yard sales. I can live with that.
The Rattlesnake Rodeo is coming up.

Yes, we really do have a rodeo for rattlesnakes. Not that anyone rides rattlesnakes (duh). But they do some pretty wild stuff with them. There'll be a beauty pagent (for young women, not the snakes), arts and crafts, a car & truck show, stock car racing. This year there's going to be a singer, songwriter contest. It's really more of a fair kind of thing. Sponsered by the Jaycees'.
The entertainment will be a band called Sugarland, and Blake Shelton (Some Beach)!!! I can hardly wait to see his show. He sings one of my most favorite songs(The Baby).

Ain't he purty?
He can sing to me anytime he wants.
Everytime I hear his song Goodbye Time , I think of Joe .
But it's The Baby , that does me in.

So, about that coffee, will that be one cream or two? Sugar's on the table. The rolls are complimentary.


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