Postcards from the Edge
Or rather---

While scanning through CNN's online news page, I came across this tidbit....
Stations to air controversial cartoon
"Episode of 'Buster' under fire for showing lesbian couples..."
NEW YORK (AP) -- Several PBS stations will air an episode of the children's show "Postcards From Buster" despite the network's decision not to distribute it nationwide because two lesbian couples were depicted in it.
The show features an animated character, Buster, visiting farms in Vermont where maple sugar is produced, and includes two lesbian couples that work on the farms."
Excuse me a moment while I climb up on my soapbox here...

What the dickens is wrong with people in this country? We had begun to reach a point where we finally learned to accept people, all people for themselves. To love and repsect one another as individuals regardless of race, gender, religion (or lack thereof) or sexual orientation. The 21st century showed promise of becoming a time when people universally would be simply people. People of all nationalities, races, religions and sexual orientation were all living peacefully in the same neighborhoods. Even here in Podunt, our Garden Club not only awarded the much coveted Yard of The Week (and Month ) to the gay couple who live on the corner of 5th & Main, but we invited them to join the club as well. Gay couples joined the local churches and even sang in the choir. Yes, even in Podunt, where the real redneck philosophy lives and flourishes, we had moved into the future.
Then something happened. Somehow the zealots began to worm their way back into the mainstream. Almost overnight it's once again become acceptable to discriminate against people. Yes, for now it's focused mainly on the homosexual community, but don't you for one minute think it won't eventually widen to include anyone who doesn't fit the norm .
I've altered the following a bit.
First they came for the
and I did not speak out
because I was not
Then they came for the
and I did not speak out
because I was not a
Then they came for the
and I did not speak out
because I was not a
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Everytime I read about something like this. Or hear someone make some dumbassed comment about gays or homosexuals I think of my dear friend who is gay. I think of how he must feel when he sees and hears these hurtful things. I think of how there are people who would deny him the basic simple rights and freedoms that I enjoy, just because he's different . It makes me want to reach out and touch someone . And I don't mean in a kinder, gentler way either.

Disclaimer: Anyone offended by the above post should feel free not to read it, or comment on it. Which I will assume you are if you don't.
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