Thursday, December 30, 2004

A Tragedy of Monolith Preportions

I've noticed that almost everyone has made some mention of last weekend's earthquake-tsunami catastrophe in Southeast Asia. So much so that I feel I'd be amiss if I didn't at least acknowledge it in some small way here in my own little window to the world. The death toll continues to climb. As of 15 minutes ago on Goggle News website it's up to 114,000. That is almost unimaginable for me. SO many people. I suppose one could see this as Mother Nature's (or God's) way of showing us that terrorism comes in a kinds of ways. Even with all our modern-day, sophisticated, scientific equipment we can still be caught completely off-guard. You can talk about it, think you've planned for every contingency, when !!WHAM!! in a split second your whole world can be torn asunder. You just never know. That is why it is so important that we let those around us know how important they are to us. To take the time for a hug, a kiss, or a simple, I love you. Every day. We have an unspoken rule at my house. No one leaves without giving Mom a kiss and saying "I love you". Sometimes that's not easy. Especially if we're in the midst of a disagreement. But, that's the rule. I can't help but wonder how many families wish they'd taken the time to say " I love you" just that one last time?
On an equally sad note, I see where Jerry Orbach has died. Jerry, in the guise of Detective Lennie Brisco,has been my daily date for many years. I watch Law & Order everyday. Re-runs on weekday afternoons, and primetime on Wednesday nights. I was waiting anxiously for the premier of the new series, Law & Order, Trial By Jury, coming up in 05. Even though we weren't personally acquainted or related, he was kind of like a memeber of the family. I feel a great saddness and loss at his passing. Jerry/Lennie will be missed in my household.

Okay enough with the maudlin. New Year's eve is almost here. What are your plans? Are you gonna be celebrating out on the town or at home with movies and popcorn? This inquiring mind wants to know!


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