Wednesday, December 29, 2004

As Time Goes By

I've been reading over some of my old posts from last year. On one hand I'm disturbed by how little some things have changed, and plesantly surprised at how other things have. For instance this time last year, we had no car. Our Bonniville had given up the ghost shortly before Christmas and finacially we weren't prepared to buy a new car. Now we have a very nice Jeep that we all enjoy and are planning on getting another car of some kind after the first of the year. While both my youngest are still living at home, they are both working and contributing toward our living expenses. Kasey is no longer in the emotionally abusived relationship she was in for more than 5 years. She finally found the courage and strength to end it with Clint and much to my surprise has stayed strong in her determination not to go back. Not that he hasn't come around and tried to suck her back in, but she has stood her ground. I'm so proud of her for that. She's also working at a very good job and actually seems to enjoy it. Robby, ever the Mama's boy , has begun to cut those apron strings and is even in what appears to be a strong, healthy relationship with a wonderful young woman. They both (Rob & Andrea) have long range plans that include college and career's. Both are working toward career's in law enforcement.
Mind you that doesn't mean that all things are copasetic. There are still under-lying issues that we need to deal with, but I think I can say that we all seem to be moving in the right direction. Which is a darned sight better than where we were last year at this time . Over all I'd say improvements have been made. Now all I need to do is come up with those winning lotto numbers!!


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