Monday, Monday
Here it is Monday again.
I had a wonderful Mothers Day. One small bit of disappointment, but I didn't let that spoil an otherwise almost perfect day. I got to go out to dinner with my three youngest children and my two youngest grandchildren. Then we spent the afternoon and evening just relaxing and visiting. It was wonderful. I got flowers and clothes but best of all I got to be with my children.
I didn't hear from Daniel, or from Zach, but I know they both were thinking of me. Because I know they love me.
I didn't get to see my Mom, she wasn't home. We'll see what happens next. One step at a time.
I hope all of you had a wonderful day as well.
Hey Leslie, how about those elephants?
I see Blogger got a kind of internal face lift. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I'll give it a bit and see. If not, I may do like Houston and Jaye and give Typepad a try.
So, tell me about YOUR day!!
ps: Don't let the picture above mislead you. I'm not feeling down, I just like the picture.

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