Friday, May 28, 2004

A Hero Dies

I've had a busy day today, so I didn't even know untill I got to Bohemian Mama's . There I discovered some very sad news. One of my long time hero's has passed away. Lifelong Protester David Dellinger Dies . Like BM, this is very sad news for me.

" Colman McCarthy, director of the Center for Teaching Peace Inc. in Washington, called Mr. Dellinger "truly a kind and lovable man, both a natural storyteller about all his decades of jamming the gears of the world's war machines, and an icon of nonviolence who taught that all of us are called to be peacemakers. In an era diseased with war, his arguments for pacifism remain bedrock-sound."

Bohemian Mama, summed it up best..."the legend of Dave Dellinger is one to not only aspire to and to try to imitate, but one to remember when we think times are tough. He never gave up, he never bowed to false authorities and he never stopped telling the truth.
Goodbye David.


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