Friday, February 13, 2004

Off to Dreamland I Go

There are couple of things I want to get off my chest (easy TW, I know what you're thinking), before I crawl under the covers for the night, or what's left of it.
First of all, I want to THANK MICHELLE for the lovely gifts. The magnet has found it's place of honor on my fridge, (everyone has commented on it today!) and I had to threaten my daughter with bodily harm to keep her from stealing the key ring. You are a lovely, sweet and generous lady. Thank YOU!
Next, I can't believe no one noticed my adorable little teddy bear. Isn't he/she just the cutest thing you've ever seen? I really like this layout because I can change the background picture as often as I like (kinda like I change the name of my blog) and still be able to keep the 'bones' of the blog in place.
Last, but not least, I want to invite everyone who visits my blog today to take the time to visit Blog Amy . Her blog entry titled "You Scratch My Back, I'll Cover Your's" is an eye opening piece. Much of what she says re-enforces what I have been thinking and saying for a long time. She just does it so much better than I do.
Egads, I just realized it's Friday the 13th! I'm gonna go crawl in bed and stay there. Ya'll be careful out there, it's gonna be a freaky Friday!

ps: I have changed the link for Blog Amy . You will have to scroll WAY down and look for the entry titled "You Scratch My Back, I'll Cover Your's". It's worth the trouble, trust me. Well that is if your an open minded person! ;-)


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